Sports Therapy
Injuries, Rehab & Prehab? We can cover it all!
Sports Therapy
Sports therapy aims to provide sporting and non sporting people of all physical activity levels professional care and management of sports related injuries and muscular pain. Sports therapy is also concerned with injury prevention, by not only rehabillitating the injury, also making the injury functionally stronger, to avoid the likelihood of injury recurrence. Some treatments I use can include, massage, electrotherapy (tens, ultrasound), mobillizations, dry needling, dry cupping, cryotherapy and thermal therapy.
An acurate diagnosis of what is contributing to your pain or injury is important to give a sense of control over your injury. I combine a hands on approach with specific exercises to help you recover faster.
My aim is to make you better faster
- Specialist sports therapy
- Rehabilitation Programmes >
- Dry needling >
- Dry cupping >
- Electrotherapy
- Mobillizations
- Strength training >
- Massage >
- Clinical yoga techniques >
Services @CTFittST
Here at Ctfitness & Sports Therapy I offer a wide range of services, from sports therapy (Injuries and rehab), sports massage, strength and conditioning to personal training and online fitness.
Meet Craig
Craig is a sports therapist, fitness professional and strength & conditioning coach with over 25 yrs industry experience.
Dry Needling
Dry Needling
Dry needling is a treatment modality where an accupunture needle is inserted into a myofacial trigger point. Dry needling is a some what of a western take on accupuncture - an ancient chinese system of medicine dating back thousands of years.
Musculoskelatal and sports therapists have been using dry needling in there treatment sessions for decades and the evidence base of use of these techniques has increasded substantially in recent times.
The purpose of dry needling trigger points is to desensitise these trigger points, promote healing and enhance the production of endorphins.
Dry Cupping
Dry Cupping
Cupping is a technique used in conjunction with massage therapy and dry needling. Cupping pulls blood to a region to stimulate healing. It is effective at stretching tight facia and muscles. Cupping helps the tissue develop new blood flow and stimulates the healing process. Cupping is generally painless and many versions of cupping can be found in different cultures.
Taping & Strapping
Taping & Strapping
Taping is a form of strapping.
It is a procedure that uses tape attached to skin, to physically keep in place muscles or bones at certain positions. This reduces pain and aids recovery from overuse and otheir injuries. Taping can also be used for general support while playing or training for your sport.
K Taping
When kinesiology tape is applied correctly to the skin over an injured area, the elasticity in the tape gently lifts the skin, increasing blood flow to the area. As blood flow improves, the enhanced delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the injured tissues accelerates the healing process.